Project Type: Individual Class Project
Class: Design 3503
Teacher: Paul Nini
Tools Utilized: After Effects, Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop
Components: Ideation, Layout, Letterform, Typography
Design and application of information systems in the production of visual communications
within frameworks of theories of communication.
within frameworks of theories of communication.
To provide students with a working understanding of:
• Basic communications theory and the pragmatic use of visual signifiers in the context of brand identity programs and systems.
• Measuring audience perceptions through the use of survey research techniques.
• The proper creation of visual identifiers and their application in brand identity programs and systems.
• The history of significant brand identity programs and systems, and current, significant practitioners and their design processes.
Brand Purpose
CBStudios is a brand consulting firm that will elevate your advertising to the next level and give a new entrepreneur, or even an established business that desperately just needs a facelift, the marketing that they need to be among the top contenders. We will deliver you a kickass logo and graphics that fit your aesthetic, photography with your “good side” in every shot, a web layout that will hook your customers, and a social media presence that will be blowing up your phone so much you’ll want to throw it against the wall.
Brand Identity
My brand identity includes the core idea of what cb studios is. I started off with the construction of my mark and typeface that would make up my visual mark.
Pictured below is the official grid that outlines the construction and components making up the cb studios mark. The mark consists of primarily even-weighted strokes that have an organic flow and taper for specific areas.

The colors chosen for branding were meant to represent subdued, neutral tones for a clean company aesthetic. I wanted people to feel like they were engaging with a professional business that they could partner with to grow together.

Brand System
My brand system started off with the concept of the cb studios mark. The style of the mark gave me an aesthetic to mimic for an icon system.

A series of icons developed for web and categorical classifications.

In tandem with our animation class, we were tasked with visualizing our brand marks in After Effects. The two directions were expected and unexpected.

Expected Direction

Unexpected Direction

Stationery & Publication

This showcases all of the possible mediums in which the cb studios branding can be displayed.
