Project Type: Three Person Group Class Project
Class: Design 3503
Teacher: Paul Nini
Tools Utilized: After Effects, Audition, Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro
Components: Animation, Branding, Composition, Educational, Narrative Script, Research, Sound Design, Storyboarding, Typography, Voice Recording
Partners: Anne Knellinger & Jane Zucker
For this final, students worked in teams to build on the animation knowledge from previous projects and apply the experience to produce an educational video based on specific research topics provided by the Ohio History Connection. Taking into account the wide range of audience age levels, the narrative, content, and visualizations should provide the widest breadth of opportunity for viewing.
Research + Exploration
Topic Mind map
The topic our team felt most called to was the Franklin Delano Roosevelt New Deal and Housing Act. We began researching all of the adjacent and relative topics involved with these themes and made a mind map out of the possible branches and correlations we discovered.
Ways To Tell The Story
After delving into our topic of choice, we began doing light overview drafts of potential script or narrative directions for us to explore and push forward with. We wanted to touch upon a number of deep subjects and establish a grounding context to put viewers in the headspace for them to better understand the environment.
We toyed around with a number or different color themes and styles for us to potentially use. There were the considerations of what other educational videos display, what felt appropriate for the time period and content, and which typography would best convey our tonality for viewers.
After deciding on a rough narrative to follow and with ideal topics that we wanted to discuss, we split up the visual storyboarding into thirds. These would provide us with the rough scenes for us to put into an animatic and explore visual themes that we would decide to incorporate or leave out for our final.
These were some of the separate asset elements developed to be used for the final animation. We decided to have rougher edges for the portraits to give the effects of torn newspaper and keeping to a predominant black and white palette to enhance this effect.
Final Animation